Why Does My Puppy Chew Everything?

Decode the Behavior and Stop It Fast

Are you constantly finding your favorite shoes in shreds or your furniture gnawed to bits? Welcome to puppy hood! Puppies are known for their chewing habits, but there’s a method to the madness.

Let's dive into why puppies chew everything in sight and how you can manage it😉 

Puppy Chewing

Why Do Puppies Chew?

1. Teething Troubles

Just like human babies, puppies go through a teething phase between three to six months old. During this time, their baby teeth fall out and adult teeth come in, causing discomfort. Chewing is their way of soothing those aching gums.

2. Exploring the World

Puppies are naturally curious and use their mouths to explore. Just as we use our hands, puppies use their mouths to understand their environment.

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